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Values Statements

I believe that all students deserve to receive an equitable education. Equity is defined as fairness and justice. This differs from equality which is often defined as giving all people the same treatment. To me, equity means giving each student what they need with the knowledge that every child has unique strengths, weaknesses, and experiences. Equity in education means meeting each student where they are and giving them the tools and support they need to achieve the same learning growth as their peers. This looks different for each child, because each child has unique needs. I believe every child deserves a quality education and I am dedicated to upholding this standard in everything I do. 


I believe all students and families should be welcome, accepted, and celebrated in learning spaces. Tutoring spaces are no different. I have completed the “safe zone” training and continue to further educate myself in order to support my LGBTQIIA+ students, families, and neighbors. 


I believe that education is power. I also know that historically education has been withheld from groups of people because of the color of their skin, gender, station in life, religion, and much more. As an educator I am continuously looking for ways to ensure that all children are given the opportunity at a quality education. 


These are all my own opinions and beliefs and not those of any organization or company I provide services for. 

Zoie Hoffman
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