Luck or Learning? Questioning to Uncover Your Child's Understanding
"I don't really care about your right answer though." The confusion was back. I was pushing her past what she had always been

Fighting Math Anxiety
The good news is, math mentality can be turned around. Students can teach themselves to be comfortable with math. Check out these three sugg

Math Puzzle Mania
Can I share with you something that I have been itching to scream from the rooftops? Math doesn't have to be boring!! There. I said it. I...

Summer Break- How to Keep the Learning Going
Summer is coming up fast! If you are anything like me, you are getting pumped up for all the fun festivals, swimming, beach time and...

My Favorite Math Websites for K-5
Sometimes what a child needs after learning a math concept is practice, practice, and more practice. Flash cards or worksheets can become...

When Its Not Fun Anymore
Do any of these situations sound familiar to you? Your child is stressed about school and their homework, it stresses you seeing them...

Learning On The Go
Fall is approaching quickly! I get excited thinking about the crisp air, football, holidays and as always back to school time. Okay..well...

Step Away From the Flashcards!
Like most people in America I like to visit this magical land they call Target ALOT. This summer especially has been filled with hours...