5 Ways to Finish Strong This School year
I will never the anticipation I felt as a student approaching summer vacation. The count down to freedom felt so thrilling. I remember...

Luck or Learning? Questioning to Uncover Your Child's Understanding
"I don't really care about your right answer though." The confusion was back. I was pushing her past what she had always been

5 Ways to Help Your Child Build Writing Skills
Does your child grumble when they're asked to write something? I wish that I could put into words the pained faces I get from my student

Kick the Sight Word Slump!
Let's talk about fat stacks. If you are a paper fanatic, the smell may make you smile. Some parents can't even hold the stack with two...

Fighting Against "I'm Stupid"
"I'm stupid" Tears well in my eyes as I see the tears in my student's eyes. She sits across from me staring at the book th

Vygotsky Lines- Helping Your Struggling Writer
Help your young child with spacing and sentence organization with this one simple trick.

5 Signs an Online Tutor is Right for Your Child
How do you know if an online tutor is a good fit for your child? These five signs can help you decide.

What to Do When Your Child is Afraid of Making Mistakes
Is your child terrified of making mistakes? Do they often shy away from work that is out of their comfort zone, or refuse to do something...

From Sloppy to Straight- Cleaning Up Math Work
It looked like the leaning tower of pisa made out of numbers. That's the only way I know how to describe the piece of schoolwork that my...

How to Learn From Any Homework Assignment
There has been a letter that a teacher sent to parents declaring that there would be not homework in her class this school year going...