Sight Words- Frequently Asked Questions
When talking to my student's parents I often hear their frustrations with sight words. Most elementary schools expect students to...
What Tutors Do
As we have all seen in our chosen field, most jobs are multi-dimensional in ways that others may not see. It may be hard for people in...
When Its Not Fun Anymore
Do any of these situations sound familiar to you? Your child is stressed about school and their homework, it stresses you seeing them...
Beating the Report Card Blues
It feels like we just headed back to school, but time is flying and report cards are already making their way home. This can be a...
Learning On The Go
Fall is approaching quickly! I get excited thinking about the crisp air, football, holidays and as always back to school time. Okay..well...
Step Away From the Flashcards!
Like most people in America I like to visit this magical land they call Target ALOT. This summer especially has been filled with hours...