Academic Goal Setting- Helping Your Child Achieve
It's the time of year that we all start setting personal and family goals for the upcoming year. Have you made a new years resolution? Y

Learning During the Holidays
The holidays are on their way! As I write this I am sitting on a porch covered in christmas lights in the 75 degree North Carolina sun. Yet

Vygotsky Lines- Helping Your Struggling Writer
Help your young child with spacing and sentence organization with this one simple trick.

5 Signs an Online Tutor is Right for Your Child
How do you know if an online tutor is a good fit for your child? These five signs can help you decide.

What to Do When Your Child is Afraid of Making Mistakes
Is your child terrified of making mistakes? Do they often shy away from work that is out of their comfort zone, or refuse to do something...

From Sloppy to Straight- Cleaning Up Math Work
It looked like the leaning tower of pisa made out of numbers. That's the only way I know how to describe the piece of schoolwork that my...

Helping Your Child Understand Fractions
What do you think when you hear the word "fraction"? A multitude of things might pop in to your mind..maybe pizza? For many students and...

How to Learn From Any Homework Assignment
There has been a letter that a teacher sent to parents declaring that there would be not homework in her class this school year going...

Beating Homework Stress- A Guide
Nine simple tips for creating a stress-free homework routine.

Getting in Gear- How to Mentally Prepare for the School Year
The first day of school is quickly approaching.. I know. I can't believe it either. It feels like summer break just started, but now...