My Favorite Multi Digit Multiplication Strategy
This is where my favorite strategy for multi digit multiplication comes in. If my students are struggling with the standard algorithm, or ne

Using Fidget Spinners for Learning
Has a fidget spinner made your eye twitch yet? I know many classroom teachers who have become frustrated with the little whirring...

5 Ways to Help Your Child Build Writing Skills
Does your child grumble when they're asked to write something? I wish that I could put into words the pained faces I get from my student

Summer Learning Bingo Printable
It's finally summer! Swimming, ice cream, and outdoor fun are here and school has gone to the back of all our minds. I don't know ab

The One SHOCKING Thing We Do in Tutoring
My tutoring session starts like every tutor starts their sessions- with a simple "hello". The smiling face of a child greets me on

Kick the Sight Word Slump!
Let's talk about fat stacks. If you are a paper fanatic, the smell may make you smile. Some parents can't even hold the stack with two...

Fighting Against "I'm Stupid"
"I'm stupid" Tears well in my eyes as I see the tears in my student's eyes. She sits across from me staring at the book th

Printable Thank You Note
February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day! Today is a great day to think about those around you and how you might make their day a little

Guiding Your Child to a Love of Reading
I'll just come out and admit it. I LOVE to read. My home is filled with my favorite books that I read over and over again

Now What? - Moving on After Academic Disappointment
I remember the first C that I got in college. I was pretty devastated. Actually, I was pretty upset any time I didn't get an A