Summer Learning Made Easy
It's May, and we're rounding the corner to see summer break growing steadily closer. Many families start planning vacations and summer...
5 Ways to Finish Strong This School year
I will never the anticipation I felt as a student approaching summer vacation. The count down to freedom felt so thrilling. I remember...
Binder Tidying 101
I've opened many a binder to find something that would give Marie Kondo a heart attack. Paper folded, crumpled, ripped, and sticking out...
Helping Your Child LOVE Math
Whenever I tell anyone that I'm a math tutor, there's a 70% chance they will tell me they could never do my job because they dislike...
Four Ways To Reset Your School Year
I love January. I love the fact that January signals to the whole world that it's time to hit the reset button. We can each individually...
How We Differ From a "Big Box" Tutoring Center
Depending on where you live, it may seem like a tutoring center is popping up on every corner. Where I used to live in Texas, you...
Geometry Based Winter Crafts
It's the most wonderful time of the year- and it's also the season when everyone seems to be doing LOTS of crafts and art projects. If...
Why We Chose To Home School- Guest Post
Ever considered homeschooling your child? We asked Shiang-ling Bissonnette to write a guest post about her decision to home school her...
Growth Mindset Guide
Growth mindset is the new buzz in parenting and education. We hear a lot about its importance, but not as much about how to help kids...
5 Unconventional Ways to Help Your Child Get Better Grades
We all want to pull out that report card or log into the school site and see lots of good grades staring back at us. We want to see that...